Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I WILL get my Etsy going!

I've been working on my Etsy images and feel like they're just about ready.
The process has taken a long time. My original idea involved a model, a photographer and a perfect
weather day. Wasn't going to happen in the real world.
The next plan was to figure out the techie way of creating the perfect composition. You know, learn a new computer program in record time and just zip through it. Not with my learning curve.
And then it occurred to me that I could paint some backgrounds and photograph clothing with only
a tiny bit of stress and the fun of painting thrown in. It harkens back to my days of art gallery installations.
For now, it’s a doable solution.
So with that introduction I’ll say that these are some of my latest pieces and they’ll be available atUmbrella Shop and Gallery in Portland, Maine or on my new Etsy page.

                  This Sweater has legging sleeves and collar trim made from pajama top scraps.

Chocolate cotton velour turtleneck with tee shirt scrap design and long sleeve tee sleeves.

This was so much fun to design. I am never happier than when I have mixed patterned fabric in front of me.

A four shirt dress

A basic three shirt dress

Here's another men's jacket. I removed the pockets and turned them sideways with a sweater trim
backing. The lapels have added fabric from a polo shirt. The sleeves have cuffs of reclaimed cloth
and I had just the right number of matching horn buttons for the closure and the pockets.